First, what do I mean by "pursuing Jesus"? Pursuit refers to a chase, hot on the heels of someone, a hunter and its prey, and many other images that come to mind. It can also be tied into the concept of a relationship and one person's pursuit of the other through spending time with them, getting to know them, thinking of them more and more, and pouring yourself into the relationship when you decide that they are "the one" for you to invest yourself fully and to let them know your intentions to be with them forever. These are all ideas that I believe apply most fully only to the one relationship any of us should fully give ourselves over to, our relationship with Jesus.
Ok, you've got what I mean, now on with the how.
1.Reading and studying the Scriptures.
When you consider what we as believers claim to believe about the Bible, this is somewhat of a no-brainer. However, how many times have I put this off or gone for days without even cracking it open. If you would say, "I just don't enjoy reading the Bible, " I'd say join the club (at least some of the time, I don't). If you say, "I don't seem to get much out of it when I read it." See previous answer. If you say, "I don't even understand much of it." Again, previous answer. This is obviously not a book for the faint of heart. It will take a time commitment and a willingness to pursue understanding diligently, and even then, we may not grasp all of it. The two single most important principles I can probably say that I have learned about reading and studying the Bible are A)I believe that God has given all of us amazing minds and expects us to use them to their fullest potential, but I look to the Holy Spirit to open my eyes not to my own intellectual ability, and B)It is a discipline that has no connection whatsoever to my emotions, moods, or circumstances, just like any other discipline.
2.Prayer and Meditation
This about learning to communicate. Now having a baby, I have a new perspective on the concept of communication. She is communicating with me even now. She has been communicating with me since the second she popped her head out and said her version of hello ( which was something like aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!). My point is that we do not have to learn to WANT to try to communicate, we are born with that desire. What we actually have to learn is HOW to communicate. God knows this since He designed us, and this is symbolic of how it works when we are born again. We should talk to God, but we should not be under the impression that He wants us to wow Him with our wisdom or praying abilities. I do not fully understand any of this that I am trying to write about in this post, but I am pretty sure that one of the reasons that God is so adamant that we pray is for some of the same reasons that I want Ella to communicate with me. I want her to learn to depend on me, and I want her to learn, period so that she can eventually be able to communicate with me on deeper levels. I think of the various phases that are ahead of her and I : the toddler years and her first words, her cute elementary years and the beginning of understanding, her teen years and experiencing life and relationships in deeper ways, and adulthood and a more peer to peer friendship between the two of us. I think God wants to use prayer and meditating on the Scriptures to see stages of development in our relationship with Him like this also. I still often feel like screaming aaaaaaahhhhhh! so far, though. :)
3.The real how...
All the stuff I just wrote is actually to help us facilitate this third somewhat all encompassing way that we pursue Jesus. Our day to day lives must revolve around Him. The reading, studying, praying, and meditating simply open the door for Him to show us who He wants us to be, and how He wants us to live. This is where it can get a little overwhelming. We see who Jesus is and even if we are believers in who He is and are trusting in Him for salvation, we say, "There is no stinking way I can be like that!" You are right. You can not. However, Jesus tells us to be like Him. Repentance is probably the biggest missing word in the American church these days. It is all about emphasizing belief, but if you will follow step #1, you will soon see the words repentance, obedience, holiness, and whole bunch of other words used a lot more times than we seem to be comfortable using them today. We are called to "present ourselves as a living sacrifice." We can not live the life that we are called in our own strength, but that does not excuse us from pouring our hearts into living for Him. I believe that the more we do this, the more that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes to things and strengthen us to live as people that we would have never guessed possible. Living consistently at a level of love for others inspired by our love for Christ that we could not even dream ourselves capable of at this point in our lives.
In the Bible there are many lists. Lots of people like to call it a book of lists of do's and don'ts. However, the real purpose of this list is not to tell us that if you do this and don't do this you'll go to heaven, and if you do this and don't do this, you'll go to hell. This is missing the point. Read the list in First Thessalonians 5:12-28 for example. This is a list of things believers can practice doing on a daily basis a little more and little better. Jesus says in Luke 6:47 and 48, "I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words AND puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built." Also, in John 8:31 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. THEN you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." It is AFTER we begin to try to walk in obedience to His words that He promises to make us strong and set us free. He does these things, but He will not until we have taken those first steps of faith and action.
Awesome! I have found the pursuing in my own life is so very important....the desire to please God....I have to examine my motives constantly to see if they are pleasing to God. My motives generate my actions. It all comes out. I pray that I will actively pursue Jesus and He will cleanse my heart's motives and attitudes in general...I know I can't do it! A Companion Pursuer
I am amazed at how great of an understanding you have of God. I am so proud of where you are leading our family. I am so excited for what lies ahead for us. I love you and wanted to say out loud that you motivate me to want to be more like Jesus. I want to please Him. I want to be a role model for Ella.
God blessed me with you. You are such a strong and wonderful leader for this world in Christ.
Pursuit was never part of my families practice and it was a stranger to me too. Not until you did I realize what went into having a true relationship with Christ. Thank you for all your wisdom and prayers. Thank you for giving me focus. Thank you for bringing to my attention how the pursuit is the true way to recieve God's blessing of Jesus.
Forever your loving wife
i like the paragraph about ella. i guess the point is that she calls out to you in her own imperfect way, and you figure out what she needs or wants and seek to meet the need, whether it be food or a hug.
I find myself Many times 'needing' to word things right. After i go to God i may wander if i worded my prayer correct. Do i even know what i really need? Did i cross all the t's and dot all the i's? If i ask God for one thing but i really need something else, do i forfeit both just because i don't know? How can i really know what i need? These all being examples of things that have run through my head as and after i finish praying.
Maybe aaaahhhhhh!, really is good enough. Let's hope so for my sake.
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