I would like to take this post as an opportunity to plug another specific web site I have recently found. You may or may not be familiar with the Way of the Master TV show that airs on TBN and probably some other religious stations. It is a show where Kirk Cameron, of Growing Pains and Left Behind fame (well, sort of), and Ray Comfort go out onto the streets and record encounters of street witnessing. Comfort has developed a specific approach to witnessing that involves using the law of the old testament as a means to "prick their consciences" so to speak. It is only after he and/or Cameron have done this that they inform them of their option to be "saved" from the wrath of God through faith in Christ. It is my understanding that the point of this method is to create the correct context for their decision so that it is not a shallow or wrong headed decision on their part. There are aspects to the show that I like and dislike, but overall I am very supportive of them.
The radio show takes many elements of the TV show and adds current events, political discussion, and doctrinal discussion. It has a lot of humorous elements in it as well. As with the show, I am not claiming to agree with everything I hear on it by any means, but I think perhaps the most important role it serves is to spur important, thoughtful discussion. This is something that I think is desperately needed within the Body of Christ, especially in America, if for no other reason than to teach us to develop discernment through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our own hearts and minds.
You can listen online and download shows for free from over a year ago. This makes for about 500+ hours of available listening just from previous shows, and they are adding two new hours each weekday! Hope it is a tool that the Lord will use to strengthen us all for His work.
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