Sunday, May 13, 2007

Word of Faith Part Two

First, allow me to differentiate between what my understanding of the WOF(Word of Faith) view of faith is and what I believe Scriptures say about it. According to WOF, faith is viewed as a spiritual force in the universe that can be understood and used to accomplish our visions and goals. This is in contrast to viewing faith as the two-sided coin of passively resting in God and actively depending and trusting in Him that is reflected in Scripture. In short, one is centered entirely around our relationship with Him, and one is not.

Another issue with WOF is their unhealthy focus on how things are expressed and what specific words one chooses to use when speaking.

Allow me to be clear before proceeding. Words ARE important in many ways. They can spread a bitter, fearful, proud, vulgar, or otherwise negative attitude to others. They can hurt. They can mislead. They are a representation of what is truly in someone's heart and mind. Controlling our tongues is something that James teaches is a sign of great maturity. However, seeking to be an edifying influence on others and being aware of our own internal state are not the direction that WOF's emphasis on words leads. Rather, it is as if words interact with their understanding of faith in a way that is similar to magical incantations that can determine their destiny. This actually leads people to focus on the surface of words(making sure you say some things and not others and being careful HOW you express certain thoughts) rather than the roots of words(bitterness, fearfulness, pride, lust, and any host of other internal inner workings).

Do the Scriptures teach tht we have a divine RIGHT to walk in perfect health if we simply walk in "faith"?

Let me begin by making a few clarifications....again. I do believe the Bible teaches that God can and will work miraculously in the lives of individuals, especially believers. I do not believe any miracles, including healing, were somehow limited to the first generation church. I do, however, see a fundamental problem that weaves itself through every aspect of wrong teaching within the WOF movement. This problem is found in their teachings about sickness, prosperity, words, and faith. Essentially, they view scriptures that promise or warn about these things as spiritual coupons that can be redeemed. They are viewed as guarantees that God must occasionally be reminded of. "Hold up, Lord, you said I would be prosperous, remember?" or "It says right here that I am able to be healed, God." It is as if God is looking to give a gold star of health and wealth to those who memorize the most promises.

This is not the attitude or perspective I see in the Scripture. The disciples' entire reason for being was seen through how well they accomplished His will. Wealth and even health were less important to them than this pursuit of Him and His will. Divine healing and any other miracle or regularly given blessing must be seen first and foremost as one way God uses to cause people to believe in Him and, therefore, humble themselves in a repentant, saving faith. This takes priority over whether we receive supernatural blessings or protection from Him. His power at work in us is a testimony to unbelievers. This power can be seen in divine healing, AND it can be seen when a Christian in the midst of suffering shines with inner strength and peace of a transformed child of God. For many this second example ultimately provides greater hope of a powerful AND loving God than the first.

This post has been lacking in two important things that I am aware of, specific quotes from WOF leaders and specific scriptures backing up my points. I will provide both of these on my third and final post dealing with Word of Faith. I strongly urge you to read especially each scripture reference I provide since I do not wish anyone to base any decisions about their own views on my opinions but on prayerful consideration of Scripture.


If you strongly disagree with me about this or any other of my posts about doctrine, please take the time to read my “Why I am writing about doctrine” post from April 14 before you respond. Thank You.

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