Sunday, July 27, 2008

Word experiment

Give a quick response to all of the following questions and see what you come up with. I will give an answer to each on my following post that may surprise folks......P.S. nope, I didn't come up with it, this is an experiment that I listened to in a talk given by Peter Kreeft--professor of Philosophy at Boston College.

1. Name the living person who has had the greatest influence on your life.
2. Who are you?
3. What is God like?
4. What is the church?
5. What is the church’s gospel?
6. What is truth?
7. What is the meaning of life?
8. What is death?
9. What was the last command of the last apostle?

Remember try to give quick responses. I know that's crazy hard on some, but limit yourself to about 15 seconds to respond to each question. It's not so much to test you, but to make a point.

no cheating......

are you sure you tried to answer all the questions before looking?

last chance to go back and try to answer them for yourself before looking at the answers.....

ok, here we go.....

Answer: Christ

1. Did you not think of him as a living person?

2. Christ lives in me

3. In Christ all the fullness of God dwells

4. Christ’s body

5. Christ in you the hope of glory

6. I am the way, the truth, and the life.—Christ

7. I am life.—Christ John 14:6

8. to live is Christ and to die is gain—more Christ

9. Jesus Christ, this is the true God and eternal life---little children keep yourselves from idols.

Just a clever way to remind us how much we are called to revolve our ENTIRE life around Jesus, and how far short of that we all fall(I don't think I answered Christ on a single one).

I pray He transforms our minds.