Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Violence and its causes

I want to talk about the current story out of Tuscon, Arizona. I want to dialogue with any and all who have views about the act AND especially the political fallout that seeks to assign blame. I want to dialogue with those who agree with my take on these events, BUT even more so, I want to have a conversation with those who do NOT agree with my views about these issues. Hope there are lots interested in discussing it. Thanks. Dennis.


Anonymous said...

Call me and I'll talk to you about this. I'm cautiously optimistic we might actually see eye to eye on this. Although, given our track record, we might not. Either way, it should be entertaining.

- The Amiable Atheist

Danny said...

Hey dude check this site out.

I enjoyed it. At the bottom of the page it has a link back to the home page.
take it easy, and don't smite each other.

Danny said...

My professor gave me this page...

Then I went to the home page...
which is the home page.
I like philosophy. Because it's really the only place that I have ever seen a good argument against God's existence. Everything about science points to a Creator.
And really, philosophy does not even do that really. What it does do is bring a seemingly good argument against the existence of a loving creator. Not that I agree with it, but it is a good argument.

take it easy,