Hello everyone and boy do I mean everyone. I suppose the notion of doing this is a little strange to me. This is my first blog, and the thought of posting some of my meandering meditations has my mind filled with visions of everyone in the world gazing down upon me even as I type this. Just back off! Just kidding. I know that is just plain silly. Anyhoo. This post will be dedicated to touching on some of the reasons that I chose this particular name for my first blog. It does sound a bit sad and dark doesn't it. However, this will not be the tone of this blog.
The short version is that the name came from a quote I jotted down, "We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love." Sigmund Freud said it so you know it has to be true (sarcasm alert-for those of you who don't know me). There are so many angles of truth to this statement that it is mind boggling. One of the angles is probably the one Ziggy was going for when he made the statement back in the day. When you open yourself up and become intimate with another person, your intimacy level increases in direct proportion to the level that your defenses decrease. Therefore, if the other person chooses to not consider your heart the treasure that you hope they will, suffering ensues.
Another angle is that when you are younger, single, broke, and bee bopping through life, you do not have a whole lot to lose. However, as you begin to create life long relationships, achieve life long dreams, and you begin to lay your roots, you start to realize that your huge blessings are always fragile because this life is a temporary place, and this causes you to suffer because you now care so deeply about so many people and things.
However, this leads me to a third angle that will be the last one that I address. If you are not familiar with me personally, let me say that I am a believer in Jesus Christ. When I say that I am a believer in Jesus Christ, I primarily am referring to my belief that He is the Savior of the world and the Son of God. I believe He is alive right now in heaven with God the Father, and I am consistently trying to give Him His rightful place as the center of my solar system by revolving around Him (thank the Lord for His gravitational pull!). Anyways, one of the ways I do this is through reading and studying the Bible. The "fellowship of His sufferings" is mentioned many times. I believe this is referring to growing closer in intimacy with Jesus through our suffering. This is not to be confused with some masochistic perversion or sadistic perversion on the part of God. I believe this is referring to suffering with a purpose. Two examples of suffering with a purpose would be: the soldier, who endures hardship and even loss of life because he or she believes that the one or the cause that they fight for is worthy of their sacrifice and the friend, who bears the burden of someone else to keep them from collapsing under the weight of it. Also, the suffering draws us closer to Christ because we touch upon a shared experience of His. Not to say that we even begin to approach the degree of his suffering and sacrifice, but shared experience bonds powerfully.
So, I want to be defenseless against suffering because I want to live a life that is overflowing with love for all those who know me in this life. Besides, I started registering for this and kind of had to come up with something quickly, and this is it so there. :)
Smooches and sunshine,
What can I say, Den, you definitely come from good stock. I love you, bro!
Hi from Ghana!
Great to get your inspiring thoughts through your blog. Christ through you is wonderful!
Hey dude, cool blog! Someday I aspire to have a blog as cool as yours!
It hurts to love, but it hurts more not to love.
While I couldn't disagree with you more, I am happy you have found an outlit for your thoughts. I look forward to many disagreements with you in the future. What did you expect from an Athiest? I love you both and I cannot wait to meet Ella!
Well, the good news is that Jesus loves everybody including atheists. :) Thanks for responding, chica. Later.
If this is the same Jesus who allows children to be physically and sexally abused, allows men, women, and children to be murdered, millions of people around the world to die of hunger, and send millions of people to spend all of enternity suffering in hellfire because they didn't stroke his ego - I can do without his love, Thanks.
Shannon -
Let me first say I have not responded before when I wanted to but for some reason this one word keeps bothering me when you use it incorrectly.
I am a little shocked how you use the term ALLOWS so much when speaking of God. God gave us free will-choice. Something I know you value greatly. This idea of free will --I dont think you've grasped it. He could force us to do and say and think things, but He would not be giving us free will. The free will and choice some use to save people, to teach, to love and to care for others the best way we can. This is also the same free will that some use to murder, abuse, torture, and hate. God does not take this away because this gift is what will eventually open the eyes to all that dont believe or have a poor understanding of God's love.
I know you will come back with some comment about evil but this is not from God. People CHOOSE to do evil.
Being pregnant and having this baby grow inside of me for nine months now- I have a deeper understanding of love and free will and how great God is than I ever had before. I can understand how much love He has for me because He sacrificed His perfect son for me and you.
God knew me even when creating this world. He knew the choices I would make. He knew about Ella. He knew about me and you and Georgia and Dennis on your birthday. I could have chosen to go home that night and not come back. You could have chosen to let emotions get the best of you and not let us come over. Dennis could have chosen to say forget it and leave us two crazy women to eat icecream by ourselves. Dumb little choices that truly had a huge impact on our lives. The serious talk of faith and God's love that night changed my life forever. Not only with an eye opening and enlightened conversation with a Christian and athiest, but I met the man I would spend forever with. God allowed us to go through all the things in our lives because He loves us and ALLOWED us to choose. Most learn and grow from our choices - though not always right away but eventually we see the truth and change.
I know you dont agree with me. I know you will not change over one comment off a blog. I know you love. I know I love you. I know God loves you. I know you will continue your life the same as before until somebody impacts your life so much that you begin to see truth. You will eventually recognize and return God's love in the pure form it was meant to be recieved and given.
love you
HI Dennis
I just read your last post about the book of Acts. I couldn't think of a comment to leave (other than"circumcision party"? doesn't sound like much of a party to me), so I went back to your first post to refresh my memory regarding the title of your blog.
That is a really interesting and profound quote. And one of the interesting things about it is that I had thought it was from C.S. Lewis!
I think it somehow verifies the truth of that thought, that it could possibly be attributed to two such different individuals.
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