I am experimenting with a feature that is supposed to let me upload pictures on here. If it does not work, I apologize. Here's some pictures for those of you who haven't already seen them.
Since I have made my first post, I have been surprised at the number of people who are not familiar with blogging in general. Therefore, I am going to go over some basics for beginners. First of all, at the end of each of my new postings, there should be the word comments. If you will position the pointer over this word and left click, you should be taken to a different screen designed to allow you to respond to my meanderings. If you do not have a blog with blogspot, you should click on the option listed other and then you can type in your name after that to let us know who left the comment, or you can just leave it anonymously if you feel more comfortable doing so. After you do either identify youself or choose to remain anonymous, you will be required to type in a series of letters matching the ones typed in a wavy format below the area for your name. There aren't that many rules at my blog site. Please refrain from profanity. I actually encourage lively debates but please be civil and respectful at all times. Some of my posts will actually be geared toward generating discussion about various topics ranging from spiritual, political, cultural, and so on. Other postings are more of a creative outlet for me ranging from funny stuff, topics of interest to me, and personal updates about myself, Myndall, Ella, Sophie, and Jack. I highly value feedback! I can not stress this enough. It doesn't have to be a pat on the back. I want the real deal. Thanks for your interest.
Aw, ****! I can't find the **** comment button anywhere! How the **** are we supposed to reply to these **** things if we can't find the **** comment button!
cute, yosemite sam.
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